dimecres, 14 d’octubre del 2009

Gion Caminada

Avui he tingut una conversa amb un bon amic, arquitecte i editor d'una revista d'arquitectura, sobre Gion Caminada, un arquitecte dels Grisons que per a mi és molt interessant. Gion Caminada no fa grans obres, ni guanyarà probablement mai el Pritzker perquè tan sols treballa en el seu poble d'origen, Vrin, fent edificacions útils per les necessitats d'aquesta petita comunitat. Tots els edificis de Caminada estan construits per la gent del poble i amb els mitjans més propers i a l'abast. Les referències teòriques dels seus projectes no són altres que les que té al voltant, els edificis més tradicionals de l'arquitectura popular. 
I amb tot això, Caminada és capaç de construir edificis d'una extraordinària bellesa, que comouen als més grans arquitectes.
Una lliçò de sensatesa i economia de mitjans.
He trobat aquest petit text de Caminada, que crec que és molt definidor de la seva idea del que és arquitectura. JB

When I’m designing, I’m at the same time exercised by the problems of this world. 
With my architecture I try to help solve these problems. For me, building is a way of life. I have built little things, a telephone box, a mortuary, at the moment I am designing a public toilet, and above all, houses, all sorts of things that people need for their lives. 
Beauty is not the first consideration. I cannot persuade a farmer that he should build a beautiful cowshed. But if the cowshed works well, then it can be beautiful too. In other words, architecture must meet a need. 
I do not explain my buildings in terms of complicated theoretical edifices or arbitrary artistic inspirations. That is not quite enough for me. In fact, I believe that architecture, which always derives from an idea, embraces a totality of events in which a kind of sensuality can be discerned. I build to endow a real need with built form. 
I was recently talking to a curator of historic monuments about a new building regulation. He said that the regulation must lay down that building has to meet a certain minimum standard. But how is quality “as such” to be built? 

Architecture has first of all to fulfil a function, be meaningful in some way. This comes before quality. That has always been the case. If a building makes sense, quality comes into being. It determines quality. A good design embodies a totality of all events and also has the capacity to tell stories. Something has to come into being that was not determined in advance. I want there to be stories, and so I build houses for eternity.  
Gion Caminada

1 comentari:

  1. He conegut la seva arquitectura aquest any i m'ha semblat impresionant!! Molt interessant en el tractament del material i en la sensibilitat dels detalls...
